I am, by admission, a freebie whore but, I can guarantee that as my alts, I have spent enormous amounts of money in many different stores across SL, and I have always found the designers to be helpful and polite. Yes, they may take time to get back to you if there is a problem, but they are busy, because, and here it takes a certain amount of imagination to access this information, they are making stuff for we who would otherwise be naked. It's true that I have not IM'd a designer to thank them for a freebie, but I have always done so if they have been present in the store, and allowed them to know how greatly I appreciate their work. So, for all those freebies I've taken, and not said thanks for, please accept them now.
Nuff said...

This outfit isn't free, so much as cheap, and I really like the look. Well, I would, wouldn't I?
The top and the jeans are both by Aleri Darkes who makes and designs Diversity Hair. The *AD* label is something I hadn't really looked at before, but it is really good as you can see from this rather gorgeous top I'm wearing. This is the neutral version, which retails at L$25. The jeans are L$13 and hug my arse like a sex-starved bloke.
The back view shows the amazing detail for the free lingerie that is available at Dutch Touch through the subscribe-a-matic group thingy-wotsit.

The skin I'm wearing is a gift from ***Digit Darkes***. It has a pile of other stuff in the folder to go with it, including another 3 skin tones, and tintable nail varnish, as well as several brow options. I love this skin; it is sexy, and smouldering, and makes me look HAWT. Which I am, in case there is any doubt... :P

Bracelets are from :::Sn@tch:::, who is a fine designer btw, as well as a generous one.
Shoes: see my previous blog, and the other bits of jewellery are ages old freebies from the Fash*Con Day when SL crashed. That necklace is my utter fave tho... ;)
Right, must away to beddy byes. Enjoy, people. xx
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