Last night I decided I would go and do a bit of freebie collecting as I haven't been able to go on-line properly for a few days, due to RL stuff, and my, my, the grid was... er... busy. Now, I should know better, being a European (Brit, but what the hell), than to actually expect SL to be functioning normally at the weekend, but hope does, as they say, spring eternally. I took a few shots to show everybody just how borked it was; it is my belief that it truly surpassed itself last night.
That's me floating in mid air, waiting patiently for the sim to rez, which it did, after about
8 MINUTES! A girl could die waiting to get her free hair, and don't talk to me about TP. I SAID DON'T TALK TO ME ABOUT IT! My friend and I tried every-which way to get to places - the map, lm's, SLurls, begging for help (nearly) - and eventually had to go a circuitous route to get anywhere. Kinda one hop(e) at a time. :P
Anyhoo... here is a pic of my freebie outfit, which I thought looked way too cool not to add to my general gripe.
The jacket and top are both from Japanese sims:
ECS katurin Park 
MoonCat Izumo,
IZUMIYA, who manages to make clothes at ridiculously good prices . Shoes are an
Adam n Eve cheapie (Stompi L$50) that can only be found if you lift your eyes above shoulder height, that is, second shelf: skirt is
::SC, and has red and blue in the pack as well : free Valentine Day hair from
RaC (sadly, you need to get the dosh out of your creaking wallets for this now): skin and jewellery as before.

Take a look at this last shot. I have no idea what was happening as I had just got down from a cute kitty swing, and the grid sent me into some kind of gymnastic seizure where it would seem the lack of a backbone is of prime importance.
/me shakes her head and constantly wonders why the hell she goes back to SL? Meh... such is 2nd Life. ROFL
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