Last night I went shopping. Now, those who know me will understand that this hardly passes as a momentous event, or one that is truly noteworthy, but for this av (Taille shakes her butt at being referred to in the third person) shopping with money IS an event. In fact, I was so excited by what I found that I blew L$500 in less than 30 minutes! OK... not the most enormous budget you've ever seen spent at once, but this was supposed to last me for a month, people. Meh... I blame the shoes, and the skirt, and the hair, but most of all I blame the designers and the blogs for leading me into bad habits. Shame on you all, I cry.
First though, as I don't have enough money to buy a photosphere (/me watches sadly as her last few Lindens bleat piteously in the vast cavern of an empty purse) and it is an essential item when you are blogging clothing, I want to recommend that you stir your stumps and head to CF Plaza - A public use photo studio. They have everything you could want and it is all free - yes, that's right, FREE!
Onward with the clobber though:
the gorgeous skirt is from a new sim called AOHARU that Free*Style blogged about a couple of days ago.

My skin is the utterly sublime freebie -Autism Awareness light - from SYD/LaynieWear in response to the nonsense about autism, and the research, being spouted so fervently. I could so get on a soapbox about this as in RL I work with the autistic and more research is needed to even begin understanding this disability.

Hair is from SLink - a designer I've only just come across - and my how I adore this glossy, black look, called Space Oddity. And finally, but by no means least, are the new, gorgeous, wonderful and really very cheap indeed, covered Heel Strap Platforms in red (no, I don't have a thing about red - honest :P) from ETD. The new sim was lag hell last night, but geez on a stick, it was worth it. So worth it, that I've mugged my alt with all the gelt and am off to get another pair. Now... what colour shall I have???

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