After a godawful day when the grid was as temperamental as an old 'ho, between crashes, no logins, and various other signs of borkdom, I finally managed to get on line to take a looksie at the new Starlust Motel and I was not disappointed. There are some great stores and the look of the place is just downright grimy - I LURVE it - there is even a corpse (or maybe one of THOSE dolls - ya know, the rubber sort? :X) in the pool, how cool is that? Some great freebies to be had, catering for a wide range of tastes, and I was well pleased to see another *Thimbles* store, as Melatonin Hax is fast becoming one of my fave designers.
I'm wearing the blue Awee Baby dress from (dress available at Starlust) *Thimbles*, which was a L$0, and on the desk there are a number of other items that cost zilch/nil/nada. Everything about this dress just shows what I love about *Thimbles*, from great textures, a sense of quirky styling and value for money. Even the full priced items are a bargain and very, very versatile coming in a number of layers making options pretty damn good.

I teamed it with the lush booN HNB27 L$220 in black, a gorgeous Fleur Vivant skin - Pin-up 3 Almond L$500 - Slink tied shirt in white, some silver leggings in a long-time-ago gift (Glam Rock dress) from *Punch Drunk* and the oh-so-lovely blue striped Anchors Away! heels from *JetDoll* and can't-recall-the-price-of-cos-I'm-a-twit, which I'll admit to drooling over. Kitty Pidgeon is also holding a 50% sale, so get a move on.
Necklace is from Tekeli-li!, who I had never heard of before (prolly cos it caters for fantasy) and it is the Sacred Heart piece at L$100. I think it is a complete bargain as the metal and gems are scripted to change colour so there are any number of outfits you can wear this with.

Cute bag is **Baby Monkey from her Great Big group gift and is the Grab Bag Peacock. Thanks Pixie, you're a real doll!
Enjoy the shoppin', muchachos! xxx
P.S. Windlight is a bish for lighting. Gah, experiments needed, I can see.
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