Now, I know that Eloh and her skins, and all permutations thereof, are old hat but, it must still be acknowledged by all that she revolutionised the availability of good skin when she gave out her files for NADA. I remember all too well being a noob, hankering after skins beyond my reckoning, drool leaching its way down the pixels of dreams... Ahh, sad times, my friends.
Anyhoo, while on my travels, I wandered to a sim called Maske, which is quite an industrialised sprawl, favouring Steampunk and Lolita odds 'n' sods. And found these little treasures all for the taking.
First up is {{Uncle Wiggily}}, who gives out all manner of cool stuffz for nothing. I'm particularly loving the wings and horns, as demonstrated by moi, but there's plenty of other things for the taking if they takes ya fancy. Leave a tip - I did.

On to the skin. Zero monies, they are an Eloh mod - quelle surprise - and a good one. They are called Another Mod - Full Perms Asian Skins, and are ably done by Chav Paderborn, the designer for The Steamstress and Burando. Again, lots of other free goodies, but you will need to look rather than beam in and out.

1 comment:
dear taille, i came across this belatedly... lovely to make your acquaintance a few weeks late... those are lovely photos you took of maske! i agree, what chav makes is amazing :)
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