It isn't often you happen upon a store that rocks you on your feet, particularly in Phil's Pad, as most are "been there, seen it, got the shirt and read the book" kinda setups. Sadly. BUT, on an up note, I'm pleased to report yet another wonder that has only recently come to my attention - Discord.
A phenomenal build - dark, gothy and creepy - beautifully textured and placed; it looks stunning. So much so that my little photographer's heart swelled and burst with joy, and I went a bit trigger happy trying out different settings and fiddling. :D

Then the clothes, hair, the accessories and the AO driven weaponry... By all that's good, everything in the store is magnificent, and there are very few items costing over L$250 (if ANY, indeed), with most set at a remarkable L$80 or L$99, with wigs starting at L$50! Yes, kiddies, that's right, L$50 fer fecks sake!

The creativity of Orange Meili has to be seen to be believed, and if you're an elf, neko, vampire, goth, or just into something a bit more interesting that might raise a brow or two, go and take a look. Hell, even if you're just curious, go have a look. You won't be disappointed.
- Red Outfit - JOU-YOU L$99 (includes everything except the boots, and skin - comes with a hat that I decided not to wear).
- Pink Outfit - DA-TEN L$99
- Hair - [M-AO] Midnight Black & Metal Grey L$70