Friday, 12 December 2008

**MAU's & MEJ's**

There are a few designers on 'the grid' that deserve our attention, for the items they make are, undoubtedly, extraordinary and beautiful. Some are builders of extraordinary talent, some are clothing designers with an eye for those things that make us all grab for our wallets, and some make skins of unparalleled beauty. There are even those that dabble, with both hands and every other digit, in a multitude of diversity, the most notable being Mej Shojo, Julia Hathor and Sunnivah Jiutai of **MAU’s & MEJ’s** emporium of utter delights.

Every item is crafted with great skill, and their landscape articles are utterly ravishing (check out their plants!), as well as unusual and cheap. In fact, cheap, quality for money, is what denotes this place of wonder, meaning that you get, to quote our American cousins, more 'bang for your buck' than many other places. In common with Bare Rose, **MAU's & MEJ's** is often overlooked, passed by or, simply not noticed amongst other gaudier presentations. Which is a damn shame...

I, for one, have always used this shop as somewhere to find the fantastical, particularly hair, and costumes, and the items have always proved to be versatile, with many layer options, as well as inventive and original. The other thing going for this sim is that it doesn't have the 'I'm-going-to-batter-people-to-death' lag common to some others. It’s a lovely place also, worth visiting simply for the tranquillity surrounding you as you wander, as well as providing much good shopping and bargains aplenty. So, my dears, I exhort you, plead on bended knee, scuffing my oh-so-carefully applied Crimbo prims, to take a stroll, and another long hard peek at one of Phil's Pad's overlooked treasures.


Friday, 5 December 2008


Here's my take on the Bare Rose challenge...

What can I say about June Dion except that she's an astonishing designer with a real eye for the exotic, amazing, and sometimes good old fashioned, bog-standard clothes, we all need. She's invariably cheap, and can be relied upon to produce great textures, and stuffz that you can always mix and match. She is deffo one of the best on the Grid, and I salute her. More power to your tablet, lady, says I...

Three cheers: Hip, hip, hooray, hip, hip, hooray, hip, hip, hooray!

In the pics I is wearing Night Magic, which comes in black, red, and blue, and Scorpio Lady. The shots were taken at: Solange Fashion and The Wastelands.