So what is the silly bird raving about, I hopefully hear at least a minute number say? Well, it's like this ya see, I was reading the blogs (like ya do) and I was suddenly stricken with the need for a shopping trip. Here are my finds:

The other hair is from a great place called Little Heaven, and as soon as I saw this gorgeous pixie cut I had to have it. It was L$200, which for three sizes and all the wigs to fit male avs too, is pretty damn good. There are some camping chairs about too, which means this is a great sim to visit. I got me a free hair and backpack for my trouble, plus the sim itself is awesomely slummy and it is pissing down with rain. Go look, you will like it.
Oh yeah, plenty of poses for sale, and plenty of pose balls knocking about for all you budding would-be photographers.